Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NaBloPoMo prompt: What is the last thing you do before bed?

I am horrible about keeping routines, and even worse about really "getting ready" for bed. I'll be sure to wash my face to get rid of all makeup, moisturize, pull back my hair, plug my phone into the charger....but when it comes to putting on pajamas, shutting down my laptop, or even shutting of my  overhead light, I am not so reliable.

Quite often, I'll put some TV show or movie on my computer to play while I try to get to sleep. I live with two roommates, so having a strong noise to focus my brain on means outside stimuli is likely to keep me awake or even wake me up. I prefer putting something on my computer rather than my actual television, because that automatically stops after a while and I don't want to annoy my roommates or possibly keep them up either.

Maybe as I get older I'll get better about making and keeping a routine.

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